Personality Test

                                                I have taken Myers Briggs test and I have got the result as "Energiser". An Energiser are people who like to communicate with other people and encourage them. This style is highly sociable. Energisers are drawn to others and are excited by the prospect of new experiences or relationship. At work we love the buzz of working in groups - especially on some concerted activity requiring a lot of interaction and communication. This high need for interaction and readiness to join in can be misinterpreted as being purely social. However, we also have a high need to be useful and helpful in practical ways. When things are going well Energisers bring warmth, optimism and fun to those around them.

Energisers tend to seek an environment where there is a lot of contact with people and where service - whether it is making a room look beautiful, a meal taste good, a customer feel satisfied, or a patient to recover - is the primary objective. Team spirit, and a congenial working atmosphere, is vital to us- and if it isn't there, they will work hard and effectively to create it. They need to be in the thick of the action, involved in or creating lots of stimulus, fun and enjoyment. Even in jobs where the primary purpose has nothing to do with helping others, we can still derive a lot of satisfaction from interacting and helping their immediate colleagues. It is when their colleagues are not as people oriented, sociable and energetic as themselves that there is a danger they will become disheartened. This often explains why Energisers sometimes only give a fraction of what they have to offer. This is not always a problem since their level of skill and talent may mean that they can still make a valuable contribution even without being fully committed or enthusiastic. However, in the longer term, it may mean that there will not be enough intrinsic satisfaction to keep them motivated.

All the result given by this test perfectly suits me and it tells that I have leadership quality in me. Whenever there is an opportunity when I am working in a team or in group assignment I love to take the charge and guide people in the right direction.